Why does a godamned British band play better country than us? Unacceptable. Great song.
Mick Jagger...waiting in the bushes, plotting against A-merca......waiting....
Central Virginia
Joined on 6/4/05
Posted by JimmySavage - August 23rd, 2007
Why does a godamned British band play better country than us? Unacceptable. Great song.
Mick Jagger...waiting in the bushes, plotting against A-merca......waiting....
Posted by JimmySavage - August 15th, 2007
I was gonna attempt to make a clock movie that was even worse than the typical clock movies. I didn't think I could get it done in 2 hours but what the hell, right? Worth practicing some speed drawing anyway. Gave up about an hour into it after making up a few clocks and I wouldn't want to waste a damn hour on pieces of shit with clock chests and end up with nothing to show for it, so here ya go.
Strawberry Clock, Whale Clock (wtf), KittyFetusWithTailConnectingToUmbilica lCord Vial Clock, SomeKindOfFruitOrDinosaurEgg Clock, Breathe Right Strip Clock, "L" for Luis Clock, Hour Hand Clock, and FingerFuck Clock. Enjoy...ignore, wahtevr.
Posted by JimmySavage - August 12th, 2007
Doing some sketches for a very short animation I'm thinking about throwing together in between bigger projects. I colored this one for the hell of it.
Posted by JimmySavage - July 23rd, 2007
Sketch of a naked blue dickhead yelling my last name. You can tell he has a raspy voice because the letters are melting.